Marketing Minor

Marketing Minor

以下是辅修市场营销专业所需的课程. 有关此程序的概述,请参见 Business Degrees.

Requirements 18-21 hours
BUSAD 2000市场营销原理 3 hours
Five electives from the following (at least two courses must be marketing-focused electives).


**以市场营销为重点的选修课; These courses are offered remotely via NWU’s partnership with a Consortium. 该合作伙伴关系允许学生在特定课程中获得NWU学分. 课程由顶级学者和行业领袖设计, vetted by NWU, 由该领域的专家授课.

15-18 hours

BUSAD 2000市场营销原理 (3 hours)

Students examine the role of marketing in society with an introduction to the fundamentals of strategic marketing planning and the development of the marketing mix. 主题包括买家行为, 市场细分, distribution, pricing policies, 传播策略, 以及产品开发.

社会化媒体营销 (3 hours)

This course explores using social media effectively to move consumers to action. 成为一名成功的营销人员, 你必须能够计划一个与战略目标一致的活动, 使用适当的渠道和策略执行, 并衡量你的努力的成功或失败. This course is an online class offered through the Lower Cost Models Consortium. 这门课有可选的现场课程.

Prerequisite(s): Grade of "C-" or better in BUSAD 2000市场营销原理.

电子邮件营销 (3 hours)

Email marketing is vital to modern businesses and a primary tool in any skilled marketer's toolkit. This course will teach you to craft successful email marketing campaigns for sales, engagement, and activation. 这门课结束的时候, you'll know how to write emails that drive customers to take desired actions and how to structure campaigns for maximum effect. 你还将建立你的营销活动. This course is an online class offered through the Lower Cost Models Consortium. 这门课有可选的现场课程.

Prerequisite(s): First-Year Writing class and a grade of "C- " or better in BUSAD 2000市场营销原理. BUSAD 2150社会媒体营销建议,但不是必需的.

病毒和有机生长 (3 hours)

“病毒式传播”是大多数网络营销内容的目标. Companies that generate content that can spread through the internet organically are the most successful in growing their brand. This course will teach you what drives people to share content and build shareable and meme-worthy content. 这门课结束的时候, you will understand what drives viral sharing and learn how to facilitate it. This course is an online class offered through the Lower Cost Models Consortium. 这门课有可选的现场课程.

Prerequisite(s): Grade of "C-" or better in BUSAD 2000市场营销原理.

BUSAD 3350搜索引擎:优化和营销 (3 hours)

你如何在网上找到你要找的东西? 很有可能,你会转向搜索引擎. Companies use Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) to make sure you see them first every time you turn to a search engine. 这门课结束的时候, you'll learn how to optimize a website to show up first on a search and build search ads that will drive customers to your website. This course is an online class offered through the Lower Cost Models Consortium. 这门课有可选的现场课程.

Prerequisite(s): Grade of "C-" or better in BUSAD 2000市场营销原理.

BUSAD 3400促销策略 (3 hours)

Focuses on developing the appropriate mix of promotional tools used in marketing communications, 包括广告, sales promotions, public relations, sponsorship, point of purchase, 以及个人销售. Examines the relationship of promotional strategies to the communication process. Students develop an integrated marketing communications plan for an area business.
Prerequisite(s): Grade of "C-" or better in BUSAD 2000市场营销原理.

消费者行为 (3 hours)

行为科学理论的应用, concepts, methods, and research findings to the understanding and prediction of consumer behavior as the basis for decision making by marketing managers. 旨在为社会学提供额外的见解, psychological, and environmental factors affecting the consumer decision process and their importance to marketing strategies.
Prerequisite(s): Grade of "C-" or better in BUSAD 2000市场营销原理 and a 1000- or 2000-level speaking-instructive course.

BUSAD 3600协商 (3 hours)

本课程介绍商务谈判的基础知识, 各种谈判风格和语境的策略和战术, in addition to, 个体差异和跨文化谈判. 通过阅读分析谈判原则, cases, class discussion, presentations, and guest speakers. Application of these principles is provided during the course through a variety of negotiation exercises.

营销管理 (3 hours)

This course is taught from the leader's decision-making perspective with an emphasis on the marketing manager's role in the development and analysis of goal-oriented marketing strategies. Students explore how marketing decisions impact the overall development including market research, promotion, pricing, distribution, 以及竞争策略.
Prerequisite(s): Grade of "C-" or better in BUSAD 2000市场营销原理.

BUSAD 4300国际营销 (3 hours)

Students will investigate the opportunities and challenges facing American companies seeking to expand their markets across international boundaries. 分析包括国际营销壁垒的研究, cultural patterns, 使产品线适应国际市场, 选择分销渠道, pricing strategies, 以及国际传播策略.
Prerequisite(s): Grade of "C-" or better in BUSAD 2000市场营销原理 and a 1000- or 2000-level speaking-instructive course.

BUSAD 4350数字营销分析 (3 hours)

如今,市场营销人员可以十大网络娱乐平台排名数量惊人的数据. The ability to use this data is what differentiates successful marketing efforts from failed ones. In this course, students will learn how to analyze digital customer behavior data using various tools and use that data to test marketing hypotheses and improve customer acquisition. This course is an online class offered through the Lower Cost Models Consortium. 这门课有可选的现场课程.

Prerequisite(s): Grade of "C-" or better in BUSAD 2000市场营销原理, 系认可数学课*, and 社会化媒体营销 or 电子邮件营销 or BUSAD 3350搜索引擎:优化和营销.

*部门认可的数学课程包括:数学1100大学代数, 数学1450有限数学或数学1600微积分1.

商业道德 (3 hours)

This course investigates ethical issues and moral dilemmas found in the modern business arena. The conflict between an organization's economic performance and its social obligations are studied. Various economic theories, legal regulations and philosophic doctrines are discussed. 当代西方道德哲学, 历史和当代的基督教伦理, 社会理论为这门课提供了背景. 案例研究贯穿整个学期.

先决条件:初级职位 and a 1000- or 2000-level speaking-instructive course.

BUSAD 4700企业家精神 (3 hours)

学生使用多学科的商业技能来识别, analyze, and execute practical management solutions to the various problems and opportunities of a small business enterprise. 编制重大项目的实际经营计划. Lectures and guest speakers from the community help provide students a clearer understanding of the link between theoretical studies and the practical world of business.
先决条件:初级职位 and grades of "C-" or better in ACCT 1310 Principles of Accounting I, BUSAD 2500管理原理和BUSAD 2000营销原理, 或者得到老师的许可.

COMM 2600大众传媒 (4 hours)

对包括书籍在内的各种媒体发展的研究, newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and film. The interaction of these media and their impact on society and the individual are included.

COMM 3200说服性沟通 (4 hours)

A study of theories and practices of persuasion within a variety of communication contexts. Students will be expected to apply these concepts to out-of-class persuasive situations.

COMM 3300公共关系 (3 hours)

The course in Public Relations is a study of the nature of public relations, 涉及的人员, 它与公众舆论的关系, 以及所使用的沟通渠道. Special attention is given to the application of public relations strategies for particular events or organizations.

广告学原理 (3 hours)

This broad-based course overviews the history and criticism of advertising, 以及目标的基本方面, positioning, media selection, 创意策略.
